Step into my parlor…

Most people know me to be a bit of a coffee addict, however I managed to become quite the connaisseur of tea while living in New Orleans many years ago.  Instead of engaging in our usual afternoon cocktail hour, my friends and I would occasionally organize fabulous tea parties.  Inspired by the fine English tradition of afternoon tea, these little get-togethers were a way to relax with the simple pleasures of a fine beverage and good conversation.

Tea Time top and skirt

The “Tea Time” style group is dedicated to the diverse personalities that made up my little tea parties.  The top and skirt embrace the tradition of English plaid contrasted with London 1970’s punk style.  The matching pillbox hat has classic vintage allure with the spooky twist of a Kustom Voodoo skull flower.  The “Tea Time” necklace is a captivating piece comprised of a skeleton key pendant accentuated by a ruby red rosary style chain.

Tea Time hat and necklace

From my tea party to yours, wishing you all the best in 2014!




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